Brisbane Murri Elders Community Justice Group
Brisbane Murri Elders Community Justice Group

The Community Justice Group provides essential support and services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims and offenders within the criminal justice system. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) provides funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to develop strategies within their communities for dealing with justice-related issues and to decrease Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples contact with the criminal justice system.
The majority of our Community Justice Group members are Elders and respected persons.
The Community Justice Group's role is to support Indigenous victims and offenders at all stage of the legal process. They encourage diversionary processes (such as encouraging offenders to engage with the Murri Court) and develop networks with other community organisations to ensure that issues impacting on Indigenous communities are addressed.
Community Justice Group's provide a wide range of important activities:
- the making of appropriate cultural submissions to the Murri Court;
- the identification and promotion of supporting programs that assist Magistrates in decision making;
- supporting defendants to comply with specific Brisbane Murri Court bail conditions;
- working within the community to address offending through supporting positive networking; and
- delivering programs to assist with rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.
The Community Justice Group engage in Murri Court each Wednesday at the Brisbane Magistrates Court.