We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which set the standard for how we deal with your personal information. We have developed this Privacy Policy to inform you of how we manage the personal information that

we collect about you. By providing personal information to us, you are taken to have read this Privacy Policy, and consent to the collection, use disclosure and handling of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Collection of personal information

Personal information has the meaning given to that term in the Privacy Act and includes information or an opinion (whether true or not) about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, and may include sensitive information (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act).

In general, Five Bridges Ltd collects personal information about its clients, contractors, suppliers, prospective employees and candidates, and employees of its contractors, corporate clients and suppliers.

We aim to collect personal information only if it is reasonably necessary to providing the service, product or information you have requested from us.

In general, you can assume that we may collect the following personal information about you:

  • name;
  • address;
  • email address;
  • telephone number and other contact details; and
  • details about you to assist in managing our relationship with you.

If you are a:

  • prospective employee or candidate of Five Bridges Ltd, we may also collect information about you such as your skills, qualifications, accreditations, right to work in Australia (including visa type if applicable) and your employment history. We may also collect other types of your personal information such as references and employment objectives during the course of dealing with you, for example if you are considered for a particular employment position; or
  • supplier, we may also collect details about the business that you represent.

We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to notify you of the purpose for which we collect personal information and the consequences of not providing it will be made clear at the time of collection or as soon as practicable after we have collected it.

In the course of providing you with products and services, we collect personal information in a variety of ways. Unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so, we collect your personal information from you directly.

We may collect personal information about you when:

  • you enquire about our services or engage our business to provide services or products to you or your business;
  • your employer becomes a corporate client, contractor or supplier of Five Bridges Ltd;
  • you engage with our business and its employees in the course of receiving products or services from us;
  • ask to be placed on one of our mailing lists;
  • apply to work with Five Bridges Ltd;
  • supply products or services to us.

When you visit our website, we may collect information that you give us when:

  • registering or subscribing to our services or requesting further services on any of our websites;
  • contact us to report a problem with our websites or make any enquiry or query or comment; or
  • you apply online for work with the Five Bridges Ltd, including by submitting you CV to us for consideration.

Five Bridges Ltd may also collect information from public record and third parties. For example, if you are an employee of a corporate client, contractor or supplier, we may also collect your personal information from your colleagues or employer. In some cases, we may collect your personal information from an insurer and from WorkCover.

Use of personal information

Generally, we collect, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide our services, products and information to you;
  • to manage and maintain our business relationship, where you are a user of our website, a client or candidate;
  • if you are a prospective employee or candidate of Five Bridges Ltd, to enable you to submit your CV generally, to apply for work or to subscribe to our services (Job Posts or Competitions);
  • if you are a prospective candidate of Five Bridges Ltd, to match your details with job order vacancies, to assist us in finding work that is most suitable for you and to send your personal information to clients in order to match you with a job order vacancy;
  • to answer your inquiry; and
  • to provide you with information about Five Bridges Ltd’s products, services and events and to advise you of news and industry updates, events, promotions and competitions, reports and other information. Where we do so, you will be able to unsubscribe from such communications.

Disclosure of personal information

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • trusted third parties where we have retained them to provide services that you have requested and to operate our business and manage our business systems (such as skills tests) and who also provide services to us, such as professional advisers, IT consultants, mailing houses and function co-ordinators. Five Bridges Ltd;
  • regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if they require us to do so;
  • our professional advisors and agents (including insurers or WorkCover);
  • if you are a prospective candidate for work with Five Bridges, we may provide your personal information to our clients in relation to your prospective work placement;
  • if you are an employee of one of Five Bridges Ltd's corporate clients, contractors or suppliers, Five Bridges Ltd may also disclose your personal information to your employer; and
  • if you are a supplier to our business, we may disclose your personal information to your employer, colleagues or the contractor to whom you provide services.

We may disclose your personal information to these third parties so that they can assist us with providing the best possible service to you.

Those third parties will be permitted to access only the personal information they need to deliver the service to Five Bridges Ltd or to you. Five Bridges Ltd takes reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.

Each entity in the Five Bridges Ltd may also disclose your personal information to other companies within the Five Bridges Ltd (which are listed above).

We are not likely to disclose information to overseas recipients unless it is with your consent, or the disclosure is required or authorised by law.

The privacy and collection practices of entities to which we disclose personal information are governed by their own privacy policies and collection notices.

We will not otherwise disclose information about you unless:

  • the disclosure is required or authorised by law; or
  • you have consented to our disclosing the information about you.

Submitting Your Curriculum Vitae (“CV”) and applying for work

You may submit your CV to Five Bridges Ltd via the Five Bridges website, either for general consideration by our operations team for positions as they arise or to apply for a specific advertised job. Once submitted, your CV may be processed on our central database. This database, including your personal information, can be accessed by any of our operations consultants and employees working in all offices of Five Bridges Ltd.

Safeguarding your information

Five Bridges maintains all server information on Australian Territory and holds all protections required and recommended by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Essential Eight Maturity Model. The Essential Eight has been designed to protect organisations’ internet-connected information technology networks.

Website security

The Internet is not always a secure method of transmitting information. Accordingly, while we seek to protect your personal information entered on our website, Five Bridges Ltd cannot accept responsibility for the security of information you send to or receive from us over the Internet or for any unauthorised access or use of that information. Where we have links to websites outside the Five Bridges Ltd, we cannot ensure that your privacy will be protected in accordance with this policy. You should consult these other websites’ privacy policies to understand how they will collect, use and disclose your personal information.

Five Bridges takes reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of information contained in records of information.

Security of personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information that we collect, and hold is protected and secure.

This includes taking reasonable precautions to ensure that any information you provide to us through our website is transferred securely to our computer servers.

Despite all the data protection and security measures we have put in place, we cannot guarantee the security of your information, particularly in relation to transmissions over the internet. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk.

We take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed.

Access to personal information

You may request access to your personal information held by Five Bridges Ltd by contacting our Privacy Officer. We may ask to verify your identity and for more information about your request. Where we are legally permitted to do so, we may refuse your request, give you reasons for doing so and inform you how you may complain about that refusal.

You may also request that Five Bridges Ltd stops using your information including contacting you and we will comply with your request.

Correction of information

We aim to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, and up to date. To assist us in this, you need to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as requested and properly update the information to us to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete.

If you find that personal information, we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, you can ask us to correct it by contacting our Privacy Officer.

We will correct, your personal information unless there is a lawful reason for refusing your request for access or correction. If we refuse your request, we will give you a written notice explaining our reasons for that refusal and how you may complain about that refusal.

Where you request your personal information to be updated and there is a dispute about the facts, we will make a note on your personal information of such dispute.

Change in control of Five Bridges Ltd

If we sell or otherwise transfer part or the whole of Five Bridges Ltd, any entity in Five Bridges Ltd or our business to another entity (including in the course of a transaction like a sale, merger or acquisition or as part of a dissolution, liquidation, administration, receivership or other form of insolvency), you agree that your personal information that is collected by Five Bridges Ltd may be disclosed to a third party, prospective buyer, transferee or insolvency practitioner and that this is reasonable to enable that party to continue or manage the business.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Five Bridges Ltd reserves the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time for any reason. We will publish any updated Privacy Policy on our company website.


If you have a complaint about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, or you wish to make a complaint about a breach of the APPs, please contact our Privacy Officer at the details set out below.

In your complaint, please set out the details of your complaint and your contact details.

At Five Bridges Ltd we aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as possible and we will endeavour to resolve all complaints within 30 days. However, there may be instances where this is not possible due to the contents of the complaint. In such circumstances, we will respond to your complaint in a reasonable and practical time.

You have the right to escalate a human rights complaint to the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner if 45 days have elapsed and you have either:

  • not received a response to a complaint, or
  • have received a response you consider to be inadequate.
  • further information is available at www.qhrc.qld.gov.au.

You can also make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Further information is available at www.oaic.gov.au.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, would like to make a complaint or request access to or correction of your personal information, please contact us by any of the following means.

Our contact details in respect of any issues in relation to privacy are:

Telephone: (07)  3281 7622

Email: info@ fivebridges.org.au

Post: Attention: Privacy Officer

Five Bridges Services Ltd

PO Box 5279

Maroochydore BC QLD 4558


This policy will be reviewed annually

Related Legislation & Policies

Other Policies and documents that have an impact on the Privacy Policy include:

• Privacy Act 1988

• Australian Privacy Principles


Authorised by Five Bridges Board

Approved on 31 Jan 25

Next Review Scheduled on 31 Jan 28